How To Wean Your Baby Onto Solid Foods - Simple & Easy Steps To Learn & Follow


Your babies are born with a natural store of iron, but from six months, they will need some iron in the form of leafy vegetables, apricots, red meat, egg yolks, and oily fish, and lentils as well. In the early days, I sort of, I let Caleb have a rusk every now and then, because it's nice for him to chew on. 

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He obviously likes it on his teeth. But just don't go crazy with rusks, because they're 30% sugar. There's as much sugar in a rusk as a chocolate digestive biscuit. 

And even the reduced sugar rusks still have 20% sugar in them. So they are quite high in sugar. Be aware of the sugar content in baby porridges and things like that. And also, if you're gonna use packets, I use the them when I go out. 

They are so convenient, and they are really, really good. There's only fruit and veg in them. But they normally have been cooked, so some of the nutrients is gone, because they need to obviously last the shelf life. Sorry, Ella's Kitchen, but some of their packets can be misleading. Ella's Kitchen, this one for instance says, red peppers, sweet potato, and apples. 

Well, that sounds quite healthy. But then you look on the back, and, I mean, that is healthy, but if you are thinking, oh, I'll give them that, 'cause that's sort of a more of a vegetable-based one, 'cause it's red peppers, sweet potatoes, and apple, on the back, it's actually 78% apple, 11% red peppers, and 11% sweet potato. 

So the majority of it is apple. So if you're doing it as a lunch, 'cause you think it's more of a vegetable-based one, just really look on the back, 'cause I fall for that all the time, because the way it's worded. 

Number eight, my last tip is to get organized, and make batches of food and freeze them. So if you set aside one evening, or one day, or one, you know, a time where your husband can have kids, and you can buy up all the fruit that you need, cook it up into batches, put them into ice cube trays, put 'em in a freezer, (Caleb burbles) and then you're done. 

And in the morning, you can come down, and you can think, right, what's he gonna have today? Ice cube of mango, an ice cube of sweet potato, an ice cube of broccoli, peas, and whatever it is. And it just makes life so much easier. 

So if you can set aside some time to get organized, it's a really big tip from me. And first started weaning my children, I bought loads and loads of ice cube trays, 'cause I thought I needed those. But actually, if you do a batch of mango, and freeze it, and then pop them out into a Ziploc bag that you can then label, then you could use the ice cube tray again, and then you could use it again, and again, and again. 

So in your freezer, you'll actually just have Ziploc bags full of different things. And then you can write on the label what it is, 'cause things change their look when they're frozen. 

So you can say, sweet potato, and then when you made it. (Caleb burbles) So I would put sweet potato, June 2014, or whatever it is. And then you know from then (Caleb burbles) that it will last for three months in your freezer. 

Okay, thank you, everyone. I hope the tips are useful.
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