How To Use Immersion Blender The Perfect Way?

Hi everybody 
Thought I'd take a second while making some soup to show you one thing I love about having an immersion blender or some people might call it a stick blender this is a Cuisinart brand 

Find out what are the best cordless immersion blender you can buy this year?

I got a deal at Costco actually for 30 bucks and it also came with a food processing attachment that you can snap on here instead of this blender blade I don't have that handy so I'm just going to show you this for now all right I'm making some butternut squash soup 

I will pan in here for you and hint carolien don't you come it off um there's chopped up butternut some yellow and some orange to the one wasn't right and some carrots and onions and everything has been cooked till it's tender as you can see it's getting kind of mushy the carrots are a bit firmer because they take longer to cook but I shut the heat off and you can see it's still steamy 

but you don't want to do this in a non-stick pan either because this will scrape up your pan but we've got stainless steel pans here so I'm just going to put this down on the bottom and instead of leaving it flat 

I tend to leave one side up like this so that the all the vegetables can get in there and I'll just keep whizzing it up until it's all pureed and smooth 

Oh and of some chickens that we smoked yesterday or the other day this is the biggest thing I use this this tool for because it's better than dumping it into the blender a because this much soup won't fit in my butter and 

I'd have to do it in batches and dirty a whole nother pot to dump it out in a non-stick pan so then I kind of just screwed around the pan seeing if they still filled chunks in there which I do feel I'm probably overdoing it but 

I think it's all done so there you go it's just like Oh Chad why'd you have to zoom in so they're still chunks oh I'll blend it a little bit more and then it'll be done and ready to eat you can do the same thing I'll get all mucked up in your blade and stuff here and it's not that easy to get out so how about you. Learn More


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